Most of the time Dr. Stone makes me believe in the faithful power of the science. This episode has touched our hearts in most ways and set a lot of important criterion! We found that Senku’s father was with five hours on the space station. But as far as we know that 6 is the limit of people who can be on ISS at any given time. This was valid by the writer of Dr. Stone until this episode. But in these 3700 years every living soul on Ishigami village is apparently offspring of the 6 on the space station and that is terrible amount of genetic swapping. Is it possible for these people to exist with such a narrow gene pool?! Was the village filled with insufficient and rare people? It was briefed once that permission for newcomers is not granted, so perhaps this is the reason?

Majority of this episode included backstory of the villagers who organized and manage Ishigami village. It’s likely, we will be presented another episode or half-episode showing us how they returned back to earth, but watching their debut and attitude it proves that they surely are the ancestors of the village.
Learning that Senku’s father will never see his son again but left a precious world for him is what left us moved in this episode. It means that making couples in this show is really awkward for me now and that’s because how small the gene pool is, the only way to fantasize about making couple is to forget all about it.

Senku’s father is a really admiring character and the bond shared by him and Senku is captivating. He did say ‘I’ll bring you back lots of science stuff’ and acknowledged, he played a really important part, giving everyone something to work with and evolve this world. After realizing Senku’s father is not going to appear in the show makes me depressed and he is literally dead, but I believe in the future. At least now the village knows his sacrifices and respects him. Whatever obstacles Tsukasa has planned to use against them, I’m sure our heroes will be able to create the Kingdom of Science no matter what. What are the possibilities of Tsukasa taming the lions, let’s not focus on that.
Also, this episode introduced a really awesome English song sung by an
American singer, it really scored some points from my side.
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